Yesterday morning, while lounging on the living-room couch surrounded by pieces of the exploded Sunday paper, we had Music on Demand playing on TV, on the 1970s channel.
"Jackie Blue" by the Ozark Mountain Daredevils came on, and I allowed as how members of the group were from Springfield, Missouri, and that they'd gone to the same high school as my sister Jennifer. We agreed that we liked the song. Then Kip said:
"I must really like those all-girl bands."
I just looked at him. Then I asked him which particular all-girl band he was referring to. He looked at me like I was crazy, and told me he was referring to the Ozark Mountain Daredevils.
I directed his attention to a group shot of the band, which was on the TV screen at the time, which provided ample evidence of an extreme lack of estrogen among the band members (meaning: they're all guys). He peered at it and then expressed amazement that they were male.
Silence. Then:
"Boy, that sure gives a different meaning to this song."
(In his defense, check out the 1970s hairstyles on those guys, and try to disregard the facial hair. And then remember the falsettos on display in the song. His misconception is understandable, don't you think?)
Cranky Pants
I fell in a pond and was attacked by great toasted newts.