Yay! My best friend Cindy has started a blog!
Everyone should blog. It's cathartic. :-)
Cranky Pants
I fell in a pond and was attacked by great toasted newts.
Wednesday, July 02, 2003
Tuesday, July 01, 2003
Wow, I just found my old stories that Kip and I wrote in August 2000 when Channel 4000 sent us to cover the Minnesota State Fair. (This is the final one; the others from that day are linked at the bottom.)
That was fun. Someone want to send us again this year? :-)
My best friend Cindy wants to start a blog. She should, because she is sassy and smart and funny and well-spoken, in spite of the fact that she's a die-hard Republican. I love her in spite of that.
She also lives in South Carolina. Wish she lived closer.
Here is an example of the benefits of a well-placed hyphen, from a press release that landed in my inbox this morning:
Minneapolis Fire Department Layoffs and Cuts Criticized at Meeting of Large City Fire Chiefs
I have this mental image of a bunch of fat guys in firefighters' uniforms, waddling around eating doughnuts and bitching about layoffs and cuts.
Monday, June 30, 2003
My husband is the most wonderful man on the face of the earth. Need evidence? Go here.
Oh, and ...
I want to be Katharine Hepburn when I grow up.