I first posted this in August 2004, and Kip asked today whether it needs updating.
It does. Here it is.
I shamelessly ripped this off from someone else's blog. The idea is to put in boldface the things you've actually done, then add five more items at the bottom, three of them things you HAVE done and two that you WANT to do.
And I've added a caveat: You should pick five things on the list (ones that you didn't add) that you WANT to do, and upper-case them.
01. Buy everyone in the bar a drink
02. Swim with wild dolphins
03. Climb a mountain
04. Take a Ferrari for a test drive
06. Hold a tarantula
07. Take a candlelit bath with someone
08. Say 'I love you' and mean it
09. Hug a tree
10. Do a striptease
11. Do a bungee or parachute jump
12. Visit Paris
13. Watch a lightning storm at sea
14. Clean behind the fridge
15. Stay up all night long, and watch the sun rise
16. Ask the/a question you've always been too embarrassed to ask
17. See the Northern Lights
18. Go to a huge sports game - football, rugby, baseball, American football, etc.
19. Create your own masterpiece
20. Grow and eat your own vegetables
21. Touch an iceberg
22. Have an office relationship
23. Sleep under the stars
24. Compromise
25. Change a baby's nappy/diaper
26. Take a ride in a hot air balloon
27. Watch a meteor shower
28. Get drunk on champagne
29. Take a luxury holiday
30. Give more than you can afford to charity
31. Look up at the night sky through a telescope
32. Have an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment
33. Have a food fight
34. Bet on a winning horse
35. Take a sick day when you're not ill
36. Get a pet
37. Ask a stranger out
38. Have a snowball fight
39. Photocopy your bottom on the office photocopier
40. Scream as loudly as you possibly can
41. Hold a lamb
42. Enact a favorite fantasy
43. Take a midnight skinny dip
44. Hear the words 'I love you'
45. Fly on Concorde
46. Take an ice cold bath
47. Have a meaningful conversation with a beggar
48. See a total eclipse
49. Ride a roller coaster
50. Hit a home run
51. Fit three weeks miraculously into three days
52. Dance like a fool and not care who's looking
53. Adopt an accent for an entire day
54. Visit the birthplace of your ancestors
55. Gave a grand romance with costumes and everything
56. Made up a screenname to stalk someone
57. Gone shopping for no reason
58. Actually feel happy about your life, even for just a moment
59. Just be held
60. Have an adventure where nothing goes as planned
61. Kissed someone you truly wanted to kiss
62. Went clubbing and thought to yourself "I could out-dance them if i wanted to"
63. Called your relatives by their relationship in another language
64. Have two hard drives for your computer
65. Cuddled
66. Visited all 50 states
67. Love(d) your job
68. Taken care of someone who was shitfaced
69. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
70. Have amazing friends
71. Danced with a stranger in a foreign country
72. Swim during a formal
73. Stolen a sign
74. Backpacked in Europe
75. Taken a road trip
76. Rock climbing
77. Nose piercing
78. Midnight walk on the beach
79. Sky diving
81. Saw what you wanted and did all it took to seize it
82. Fell in love then fell harder and faster from heartbreak
83. In a restaurant, sat at a stranger's table and had lunch/dinner with them
84. Visit and/or tour Japan
85. Benchpress your own weight
86. Stolen from your parents
87. Alphabetized your records
89. Pretended to be a superhero
90. Sang karaoke
91. Made someone cry for no good reason
92. Lounged around in bed all day
93. Posed nude in front of a room full of strangers
94. Dressed sexy for no reason
95. Got it on to "Let's Get It On" by Marvin Gaye
96. Kissed in the rain
97. Played in the mud
98. Played in the rain
99. Gone to a drive-in theater
100. Done something you should regret, but don't
101. Visited the Great Wall of China
102. Fell in love with a job that has nothing to do with the degree you're pursuing
103. Discovered that someone who's not supposed to have known about your blog has discovered your blog
104. Dropped Windows in favor of something better
105. Started a business
106. Fallen in love and not had your heart broken
107. Toured ancient sites around the Mediterranean
108. Taken karate
109. Swordfought for the honor of a woman
110. Played D&D for more than 6 hours straight
111. Gotten married
113. LARPed
114. Loved someone you shouldn't have
115. Kissed someone so passionately it made them dizzy
116. Gotten divorced
117. Had sex at the office
118. Surprised yourself with a talent you didn't know you had
119. Been to Macchu Picchu
120. Gone without food for 5 days
121. Never left the continental United States
122. Made cookies from scratch
123. Won first prize in a costume contest
124. Ridden a gondola in Venice
125. Gotten a tattoo
126. Got another tattoo the next day because you didn't feel balanced
127. Find that the texture of some materials can turn you on
128. Rafted the Snake River
129. Blazed it up at Burning Man
130. Gotten flowers for no reason
131. Masturbated in a public place
132. Gotten so drunk you don't remember anything
133. Been addicted to some form of illegal drug
135. Performed onstage with a famous symphony orchestra
136. Been to Las Vegas
137. Met Madonna
138. Recorded music
139. Eaten shark
140. Had a one-night stand
141. Gone to Thailand
142. Had the courage to speak my mind
143. Saw Robert Smith and Siouxsie live
144. Bought a house
145. Earned my degree
146. Broke my neck
147. Been in a combat zone
148. Buried my father
149. Buried my mother
150. Was adopted
151. Am the oldest child in my family
152. Had chicken pox
153. Ran barefoot in the woods
154. Lived on the beach by the ocean
155. Vacationed in Hawaii
156. Married a man I met on the Internet
157. Taken ecstasy
158. Built a webpage confessing my love for someone to the world
159. Made snow angels in Colorado
160. Told my mother that I loved her
161. Gave birth
162. Known you were going to die if something drastic didn't happen, and quick!
163. Had group sex
165. Learn to love myself
166. Taken piano lessons
167. Marched in a band in front of 70,000 people
168. Had needles through my nipples
169. See the ruins of castles and cathedrals in Europe
170. Wake up with someone I love on a daily basis
171. Visited Germany
172. Moved someplace without knowing anyone there
173. Live(d) someplace I always dreamed of living
174. Visit the Louvre
175. Have Godiva Chocolates whenever I desire
176. Rode a horse
177. Been homeless
178. Took Viagra
179. Own a horse
180. Spend an extended amount of time in Ireland
181. Got married in Las Vegas
182. Been a stepparent
183. Met and married my soulmate
184. Visited England
185. Met a favorite author
186. Been kissed in Paris
Cranky Pants
I fell in a pond and was attacked by great toasted newts.