It's been forever since I've blogged. Wow, almost three weeks. What a layabout I am.
So here are some more things about me.
24. I always give money to street musicians. I give slightly more to saxophone players.
25. I tip too much. I once worked with a woman who REFUSED to tip. She said, "They get paid, don't they? Why should I give them more money?" She was a waste of skin.
26. One possible explanation for No. 25: My very first job was as a waitress. I was 15, and I worked at the Airport Cafe in Bismarck, North Dakota. I was the world's worst waitress. I once spilled a glass of ice water on a baby, who screamed throughout the remainder of the meal. I quit before I got fired.
27. I didn't learn to ride a bike until I was in fourth grade.
Cranky Pants
I fell in a pond and was attacked by great toasted newts.