I haven't blogged in, um, many, many months. Years, in fact. It appears that nobody is pining away for my thoughts, but that's okay too. Blogging is kind of like vomiting: It often makes you feel better, but usually it doesn't do anything constructive for anyone else, and sometimes it really pisses them off, depending on where you blog. Or vomit.
(I think I'm starting to understand why I haven't blogged in many, many months.)
And speaking of "okay": For years, when I worked at newspapers, it was drilled into me that the proper usage was "OK," not "okay." But it occurred to me a few months ago that I prefer "okay." So that's what I'm going to use, all my former editors be damned!
But I'll never mistake "your" for "you're."
Cranky Pants
I fell in a pond and was attacked by great toasted newts.