Monday, November 12, 2007

Why do I like these question things so much? (That's rhetorical, unless you have a good answer for me.)

1. Are you taller than your best friend?
Nope. I seem to be shrinking, too.

2. Do you have a favorite type of pen?
It has to be a medium-point black pen. I am anal-retentive about pens. If I find a good one, woe betide the one who takes it off the desk and doesn't return it (though I myself have been known to ruthlessly steal a good pen from a business if I'm writing a check with one).

3. Have you ever worn the opposite sex's underwear?
I don't think so.

4. What is your natural hair color?
It used to be brown. Now it's mostly white. But I haven't seen my natural color since I was about 27, when I became a redhead.

5. Who was the last person you sat on?
Kip. He didn't object.

6. What color are the curtains in your bedroom?
No curtains, just off-white shades.

7. What's the weirdest thing to be found in your bedroom?
A roll of wrapping paper, which I use to unplug the laundry chute when Andrew invariably plugs it up every night by stuffing his clothes down it.

8. Have you ever had a black and white cat?
Yes, good old Sam the Mole.

9. What is the last thing you licked?
My lips. It's very dry in this office today.

10. Do you know anyone who lives in Europe?
Yes, I have a handful of friends in Scotland.

11. If you had a stack of cash to spend, what would you buy (bills and gas excluded)?
Books, probably. Or a trip to Vegas. Or both.

12. What movie are you looking forward to seeing?
"Sweeney Todd" with Alan Rickman and Johnny Depp.

13.Can you spell well?
I am a primo speller.

14. What makes you gag?
Certain smells.

15. How do you feel about the French?
They make good fries. And toast.

16. Pick one: Zombies or Frankenstein's Monster?

17. What song describes your love life?
"Everything" by Michael Buble.

18. Favorite pet?

19. Who is on your mind?

20. Last person to give you a business card?
My boss, Ron.

21. Who is the last person you called?

22. Did you ever have braces?
Yes, for two years and three orthodontists in three states.

23. Last time you had someone cook for you?
Last night. Kip made steak on the grill.

24. Can you make coffee well?
Nope. Kip makes it.

25. Do you like cheesecake?
Yes, though I don't worship it. Give me fruit pie or chocolate cake any day.

26. Last time you received flowers?
Mother's Day.

27. What celebrity disturbs you most?
Britney Spears. Or Lindsay Lohan.

28. Do you play air guitar?
No. I'm not a 12-year-old boy.

30. Do you have any stuffed animals?
I still have my old stuffed Snoopy and Pixie Mouse, sitting on my dresser. And years ago Kip gave me a stuffed cow decorated like a NYC taxi.

31. What possession of yours classifies you as a geek/nerd?
My collection of Renaissance Festival costumes. And my VAST collection of bubblegum-music CDs.

32. What got you through high school?
Friends who thought like me (newspaper and yearbook staff types).

33. What makes you happy inside, but you can't really explain it?
Hearing certain songs on the radio and singing along; having a big stack of reserved books ready to be picked up at the library.

34. What made you cry last?
A story on the news last week about a little boy who had to have his leg amputated.

35. Do you like surprises?

36. What's your "emphasize" word?
The wonderful, all-purpose F word.

38. How long does it take you to get ready to go out?
About 20 minutes.

39. Have you ever worn a crown?
Yes, I am currently wearing two on my teeth.

40. Are you ticklish?
Not really, except my feet are really sensitive.

41. Last time you had a Krispy Kreme doughnut?
Sometime over the summer.

42. Who is the last person that sent you a text that you returned?
Probably one of my stepsons.

43. Who has the prettiest eyes that you know of?
Kip. And Andrew. They are identical.

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