Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Okay, I made up my own. Feel free to steal.

What was your first job?
I was a waitress in the Airport Cafe in Bismarck, ND, when I was 15, and I was the world's worst waitress. I once spilled ice water on a baby, who screamed for 45 minutes. I quit before they fired me.

What was your favorite job?
It's a tie between being an entertainment reporter for the Sioux Falls Argus Leader and an online pop-culture columnist.

Have you ever been fired?
Too many times to count.

Favorite fitness activity?
Belly dancing.

Favorite all-time TV show?
"The Mary Tyler Moore Show."

Lipstick, lip gloss or nothing?
Lip gloss, sometimes.

Do you take vitamins?
When I think of it.

Favorite fruit?
Bing cherries.

Least favorite vegetable?
Beets, the vegetable of Satan.

Ginger or Mary Ann?
Mary Ann.

Betty or Veronica?

What do you wear to sleep in?

Do you have pets?
Yes, the world's most charming dog, Otis.

Living grandparents?
Yes, my paternal grandmother turned 94 in May.

Are you named after anyone?
Both grandmothers: Bonnie Marie and Emma Elizabeth. Thus, Bonnie Elizabeth.

Did you like gym class in high school?
Sometimes. But not gymnastics or anything involving running.

Are you a registered voter?

Do you subscribe to any magazines?
Yes, Entertainment Weekly.

Favorite cookie?
Oatmeal, hold the raisins.

Do you drink coffee black, or with cream and/or sugar?
With cream.

If you could vacation anywhere, where would you go?
England and Scotland.

Do you eat veal?

Have you ever been hospitalized?
Yes, when I had Andrew.

What song makes you drive faster?
"Katmandu" by Bob Seger.

Do you know how to change a tire?
Theoretically, because my dad taught me how, and I probably could if I had to, but ...

Anything pierced?
Both ears, once each.

Do you have an “emergency book” in your car? What is it?
Yes, but it's been so long since I read any of it that I can't remember the title.

Is your hair the color you were born with?
Hell no.

Mayonnaise or Miracle Whip?

Whipped cream or Cool Whip?
Whipped cream.

What word do you find amusing?

Ever visited a strip club?

Do you play an instrument?
The piano. And I briefly played the tenor sax in grade school.

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