Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Note: Number 7 is true only in December, January and February.

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Betsy and Kip!

  1. Americans discard enough Betsy and Kip to rebuild their entire commercial air fleet every 3 months.
  2. It took Betsy and Kip 22 years to build the Taj Mahal.
  3. You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching Betsy and Kip.
  4. The Vikings believed that the Northern lights were caused by Betsy and Kip as they rode out to collect warriors slain in battle.
  5. A thimbleful of Betsy and Kip would weigh over 100 million tons.
  6. Betsy and Kip can grow up to three feet in a 24-hour period.
  7. About one tenth of Betsy and Kip are covered in ice.
  8. Betsy and Kip will often glow under UV light.
  9. Betsy and Kip do not have toes!
  10. Betsy and Kip were named after Betsy and Kip the taxi driver in Frank Capra's "It's a Wonderful Life"!
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