Tuesday, July 24, 2007

In working my way through the e-mails caught in my work spam filter this morning, I came across the following rather interesting subject lines:

Is Britney wearing the wrong bra? (I think the real questions are these: Is Britney wearing a bra at all? And why should we give a rip?)

You've received an e-card from a worshipper! (There were about a dozen of these; I'm delighted to know that so many worship me.)

Undressed numeral (Math porn!)

Yes total gain bigger and longer orgasms just in one week. This is the best thing that has ever happened to me, thanks a lot! (Um ... you're welcome. Though I'm pretty sure I can't take credit.)

No pumps! No surgery! No exercises! (Yay! I think.)

Worm alert! (Thanks for the heads-up. I hate worms.)

Szarkowski loomed large, with a stentorian voice and a raconteurial style (I almost opened this one, just because I appreciated the vocabulary.)

Supply clothing buttons (I fully support this idea.)

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