Monday, December 03, 2007

Here are Kip's responses to my questions.

What was your first job?
Working at a service garage/tire sales shop. They hired me to help move their stock of tires to a larger facility. About the same time, I worked on a farm, cleaning sow stalls and spreading manure.

What was your favorite job?
Being a weather forecaster in the Air Force.

Have you ever been fired?
Just recently - From a job I held for over six years. Third best thing that ever happened to me.

Favorite fitness activity?
Walking I suppose, our dog Otis gives me lots of exercise. I also love to waterski, but I don't know if I could do it anymore.

Favorite all-time TV show?
Too tough to call. M*A*S*H, The Muppet Show, Hill Street Blues, Homefront, Frasier, Sex and the City, Boston Legal.. God, I watch too much TV.

Lipstick, lip gloss or nothing?
Hmm, depends on my mood. ;-)

Do you take vitamins?
No, but I should

Favorite fruit?
Ted Allen or Raspberries. Depends on my mood.

Least favorite vegetable?

Ginger or Mary Ann?
Ginger is a wanna-be ho. Mary Ann any day.

Betty or Veronica?
Betty. See above.

What do you wear to sleep in?
Do people actually wear clothing to bed?

Do you have pets?

Living grandparents?
My awesome Grandmother Emma. (Grammy) OK, she's Betsy's Grandmother, but I claim her as my own. So there.

Are you named after anyone?
Yes, my cousin Kip Sundgaard, much to my Father's dislike. Fortunately, my Mother had good taste in names. (IMHO) My middle name, Eric, comes from "Eric the Red"[sic] God knows why.

Did you like gym class in high school
Hell no. Not until I kicked every "jock's" butt in tennis. That was fun. :-)

Are you a registered voter?
Yes. I'm a budding Libertarian. I used to be a staunch Republican. The boat has sailed.

Do you subscribe to any magazines?
Cooks, Cooking Pleasures, yada, yada...

Favorite cookie?
Tollhouse, hot from the oven.

Do you drink coffee black, or with cream and/or sugar?
What is this cream and sugar you speak of?

If you could go anywhere for vacation, where would it be?
Sydney Australia

Do you eat veal?

Have you ever been hospitalized?
Yes, but not for anything serious.

What song makes you drive faster?
Radar Love, I Can't Drive 55, a couple others I can't think of right off.

Do you know how to change a tire?
Yeah, usually to my regret.

Anything pierced?

Do you have an "emergency book" in your car? What is it?
I swap different books on tape.

Is your hair the color you were born with?
Damn straight, if not shot with a bit of gray. I will admit I color it once-and-again to cover the gray.

Mayonnaise or Miracle Whip?
Both! I used to detest mayonnaise, but I like it for most things. I *MUST* have Miracle Whip for turkey sandwiches.

Whipped cream or Cool Whip?
Whipped cream if it's fresh. Cool Whip is OK in a pinch.

What word do you find amusing?
Um, if you have to know, you can e-mail me.

Ever visited a strip club?
Yeah, a couple times, but I find them rather uninspiring. Not saying I have anything against nudity... Just sayin'.

Do you play an instrument?
I used to play the trumpet. Many years ago.

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